Cofty and Mr Ngative, medically you raise valid points, but I can also empathise with the pain the parents were going through, and I can appreciate they were confronted with complex emotional human feelings and were desperate. All this was going on with the added extra stress of press and media attention. Personally I never doubted the parents humanity, and it was obvious they cared deeply for the child. I am not saying that makes it right, but I am sympathetic.
Anyway I raised the O.P because a recent study published in the Lanet Oncology journal states that proton beam therapy causes fewer side-effects in child patients than conventional radiotheraphy, and has similar survival rates. So assuming that is the case and such medical care was not available in the U.K, I felt it vindicated them.
Cofty, Mr Negative when time permits tonight I will read your in depth posts and evaluate the points you kindly raised.
The Rebel
P.s Added to say just read your post Slim, thanks for your feedback.